Thursday, July 31, 2008

My Musical Mobile

The Boppy Pillow

Giants Rule, Everyone Else Drools

We went to see the Superbowl Trophy (if you'll remember, the Giants won last year). Dad and Grandpa Clevenstine were interviewed on the news, and I got to hold the Superbowl ring! It's worth $35,000 . . . as you can tell, I'm very impressed.

Playing Is My Favorite

I went to my second professional baseball game a week ago. We went with Dad's work (woohoo!) and it was really really REALLY hot and sunny, so I even got to wear Dad's hat.
Aunt Sara comes over and plays with me almost every day. She's neat.

Nap Time

I love to take naps on the couch. I take after Daddy.

Tiny Rockstar

Uncle Christer and Aunt Valeen sent me some presents. I'm modeling one of them here. Yes, I am a tiny rockstar.

Woah...another many people to meet.

Aunt Becky's visiting, which is pretty flippin' sweet, yo. She's fun. And she has a computer so I can add some more pictures for you!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Also On the Fourth of July...

Oh yeah. I peed on Uncle Josh's Dallas Cowboys jersey. I wanted to make my loyalties (or non-loyalties) clear. Hey, I can't talk yet . . . what option did I have?

Happy Fourth of July!

I recently experienced my first Fourth of July ever, and it...was...awesome! I slept through the fireworks, but the pictures look cool and I got to hang out in the park with some of my favorite people.

I Love Great Grandma!

I've recently begun visiting Great Grandma Milly. She's always SO stinkin' excited to see me. It's really fun to hang out with her. Here we are . . . four generations strong!

Friday, July 11, 2008

A Quick Explanation

Mom says I should probably tell you guys that the reason I haven't posted anything new in a while is that her computer is busted. But as soon as it comes back in a week, which is like a seventh of my lifetime, I'll have new goodies for you.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Check Out My Growth!

Check it out. This is me at four days old (the shriveled up one sitting in front of the window because I was a little yellow boy), and then just a few days ago when I was six weeks old, sitting in the same chair and actually filling it up a little bit. Not bad, eh? Nice work, Mom.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I'm Six Weeks Old!

Do I look like I'm up to something? There really aren't that many things I can do yet, so you can probably figure it out.