Saturday, December 19, 2009

Sick Day

I went to the doctor this morning for being sick.  I've never done that before.  I went once when I got a bug bite on my foot and it swelled up really big.  And I went once when I cut my forehead open on a rock and needed to get it glued back together.  But this morning I went because I was having a hard time breathing when I woke up.  Wheeze, wheeze, wheeze.  That's what it was like.  So we went in and the nebulized me and gave me some nasty medicine.  I don't think I like nasty medicine or being nebulized.  And anyway, it doesn't really seem like either one helped very much.  We'll see how I feel when I wake up from my nap today.  Here are some pictures of me at the doctor's office:

Friday, December 18, 2009

The Airport

A few weekends ago Mom and Dad and I went to the airport to watch the airplanes. I love airplanes. You can watch them taxi, and land, and take off. Sweet.

Monday, November 30, 2009

I've Reached the Ripe Old Age of 18 Months

My newest video is up. I worked for six long months to get enough footage for this baby. I hope you like it!

Okay, youtube won't let me include the audio. Phooey. If you'd like to see this video with sound (which is definitely the recommended viewing method), just type the following into your browser:

Saturday, November 14, 2009

I Turned One Year Old (almost six months ago)!

Next week I'll be 18 months old. A year and a half . . . can you believe it? Well, Mom was a little negligent and forgot to put together my 6-12 month video before, so here it is now. It should be followed up fairly soon by one featuring more recent photos and footage of me. Enjoy!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

It's been forever, huh?

I guess it's been a while since I updated this blog, huh? I've been busy. Anyway, here's a picture of me that's a little more current than the previous ones.

Ha ha ha. Just kidding. For real, though, here are a few relatively recent pictures. I am currently what Mom calls a walking, talking snot machine. I drool and snot a lot because I'm getting more teeth (I've got six whole ones and I'm working on a few more). I'm an excellent walker and I climb pretty well too. And I probably know about 25 words, although I'm not entirely clear on what some of them mean.

Anyway, I'm having a blast. Life is good when you're a little over 17 months old. Thanks for liking me enough to read this!

I LOVE being outside. I run out the door every chance I get. When Grandma and Grandpa Tschamler were here in September we hiked to this little lake and had a picnic.

We went backpacking with Auntle Sach and Dad caught a newt for me to poke.

I guess I'm what Uncle Christer calls "rough and tumble." Mostly I just like to play.

I like camping.

Sara is still one of my four favorite aunts, even after all this time.

When we go sailing Daddy takes me right up onto the bow of the boat!

I just noticed that Mom accidently left the grapes from the grocery store on the bed.

Then I ate some. I really like grapes.

A few weeks ago I climbed my first two Adirondack High Peaks, Cascade and Porter Mountains. Mom and Dad said it kicked their butts, but I didn't really think it was that hard.

Of course if you're going to hike a lot you need to replenish your fluids. I'm excellent at dring from a Camelbak.

Mom and I have a lot of fun together. We're friends.

This year we went to Giants training camp in Albany and saw the big boys up close.

When I feel cranky a lot of times wrestling on the bed will help. Here we are after a good match.

And it looks like I claimed the victory in this one. Mom's down.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Aunt Sara and (now) Uncle Zach, better known as Uncle PullMyFinger, got married in the end of February. We had a ton of people visiting, and we had loads of fun. I haven't put any wedding pictures up yet, but here are some pictures from the preparation time.

In case you're wondering, I still like to open my eyes as wide as possible.

And eat.

I love reading books, especially on the cozy lap of a grandma.

Or a great-grandma.

The Denver Zoo

OK, go back with me to January. Yes, I'm talking three months ago. Still in Colorado celebrating Zach and Sara's wedding that hadn't yet taken place as well as second First Christmas. Well, on that same trip I went to my very first zoo. I LOVE animals of all kinds -- no joke. I go nuts. So as you might guess, it was a pretty sweet trip. I won't bore you with photos of the animals, because you've all seen those before. Instead, the following photos will feature yours truly. Enjoy!

It was pretty cold, so we had to bundle. I was wearing a NY Giants suit in Broncos country. Hee hee. I dare someone to beat up a baby. I'm untouchable.

I'm sporting my brand new hat from Aunt Becky. It's not brand new anymore. I wear it every day of my life. No joke.

Aunt Sara and I were bundled from head to toe!

Chris is one of my favorites, but you'll never hear me say it. My lips are sealed.

Also, while we were in Denver we went with about 900 family members to The Old Spaghetti Factory. I met so many people that day I probably couldn't recite half the names for you. But we're all related, so I'm bound to get a refresher sooner or later.

Here are the four representatives from the newest generation. Cody is the newest, by just a little, I'm the second newest, Eva is the second oldest, and Jonah is the king.

It also happened to be Daddy's 28th birthday, so the resident balloon-man made him a sweet crown. Check it out.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Colorado Lovin'

When we were in Colorado in January, the day after my second first Christmas, Aunt Sara and Uncle Zach had a sailing party. I slept through almost the whole thing, but I woke up enough to get my mug in a few frames:
Aunt Becky is a very good cuddler.
I know how to smile just like the big kids.
Those Duryea girls are so nice!
My great aunt Cathy...what a goofball.
Aunt Valeen makes me smile.


Excuse me.
May I have your attention please?
Something monumental has happened.



Also, I'm 5/6ths today. For those of you who are not inclined to do the math (I've been helping Dad with his differential equations work in the evenings), that's 10 months. Yahoo!

I'm sorry I haven't posted pictures lately. Mom has been typing pretty much every second that I'm awake (or asleep, actually) these days, so I haven't had much of a chance.

She says maybe this weekend. Maybe even today.

Happy Friday!

Monday, March 9, 2009

In January Mom and Dad and I flew to Colorado to have a party for Zach and Sara. While we were there, we had ANOTHER Christmas! Here are a few choice photos from "Christmas" day:

I taught Uncle Christer how to do my trademark face.
Grandma Tschamler made me a suit to wear in an upcoming wedding, featuring a real live necktie!
Aunt Becky bought me this sweet reversible down vest. I'm reading all the accompanying literature.
Uncle Zach was there too!
Grandma and Grandpa gave me a beach ball that has a fish INSIDE OF IT!
Uncle Christer and I had our own photo shoot.
Dad is still my favorite pillow, even after all these months.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Kelly and Me

In the very beginning of January one of Mommy's friends Kelly came back from London to visit! I hadn't met her since I've been out of the belly, so that was a treat. I'm so multi-cultural because I have a friend in another country. Although she is American. She doesn't even have an accent. Nevermind. But she's still cool.

Malachi and Me

I have a friend at Bible study named Malachi. He's a few months younger than me, but he got teeth before I did. He came over on New Year's Eve.

Iris and Me

Daddy's old friend Ian and became a daddy two months after Daddy did. Woah. His baby's name is Iris, and she came up from Washington D.C. to visit at Christmas time. I like her.